Muhammad Usama
I'm a conflicted explorer with a doctoral degree in electrical engineering. I recently started working on urban computing and analyzing data from social media applications to first identify questions and then answering them!!!
☎️ Contact information
📧 Email: osama5124@gmail.com
🐦 Twitter: @osama_sana
🔗 LinkedIn: Muhammad Usama
Google Scholar : Muhammad Usama
👩🏻💻 Work experience
Assistant Professor
Department of Computer Science, School of Computing,
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Pakistan - (August 2022 — )
I have taught the following courses:
Undergraduate Courses:
Computer Organization and Assembly Language
Computer Architecture
Data Science
Graduate Courses:
Advanced Computer Architecture
Advanced Analysis of Algorithms
Post-Doc (Research Associate)
Department of Electrical Engineering, Syed Babar Ali School of Science & Engineering (SBASSE), Lahore University of Management Sciences (LUMS), Pakistan – (June 2021—August 2022)
I am leading a team of researchers in following three projects:
- Urban Air Quality Measurement
- Measuring the Urban Sentiment
- DeepFake for Good
Post-Doc (Research Associate)
School of Informatics, The University of Edinburgh, United kingdom – (November 2020 - July 2021)
I was part of the team that worked on the adversarial machine learning for next-generation communication networks, machine learning-based jammer detection and localization, and measuring the communication parameters for a major part of Edinburgh city.
Ph.D. Fellow
Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology University (ITU), Pakistan – (September 2016 - December 2020)
During my Ph.D., I worked on designing and launching adversarial machine learning on machine learning-based networking applications.
Academic Coordinator
Department of Electrical Engineering, Information Technology University (ITU), Pakistan – (July2015 - September 2016)
I was leading a team of Lab Engineers in designing lab material for the electrical engineering department and dealing with day-to-day coordination among departments.
Department of Electrical Engineering, Riphah International University (Faisalabad Campus), Pakistan – (February 2013 - May 2015)
I taught undergraduate computer networks and network security courses.
Teaching Assistant
Department of Electrical Engineering, National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Pakistan – (August 2010 - August 2011)
I was the teaching assistant for undergraduate Electronics I and II courses.
📚 Education
Ph.D. Electrical Engineering
Information Technology University (ITU), Pakistan
MS. Electrical Engineering
National University of Computer & Emerging Sciences (NUCES), Lahore Campus, Pakistan
BSc. Telecommunication Engineering
Government College University Faisalabad (GCUF), Pakistan
📜 Dissertations
Doctoral Dissertation: Adversarial Machine Learning and Networking Applications: Attacks & Defenses
MS Dissertation: Post Processing Algorithm for Event Detection in Optical Time Domain Reflectometer
🛠 Research:
Publications (Accepted for publications in conferences and journals)
Publications in 2022
- R. Tallal Javed, Muhammad Usama, Waleed Iqbal, Junaid Qadir, Gareth Tyson, Ignacio Castro, and Kiran Garimella, “A Deep Dive into COVID-19 Related Messages on WhatsApp in Pakistan” accepted for publication in Social Network Analysis and Mining (SNAM), 2022.
- Muhammad Musa, Muhammad Usama, and Momin Uppal, “Extremism on Social Media: Lynching of Priyantha Kumara Diyawadana” accepted as a poster in IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 2022.
- Yousaf, Bilal, Muhammad Usama, Waqas Sultani, Arif Mahmood, and Junaid Qadir, “Fake Visual Content Detection Using Two-Stream Convolutional Neural Networks” accepted for publication in Springer Neural Computing and Applications, 2022.
- Abdur Rahman, Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Tahir, Momin Uppal, “Data driven framework for analysis of air quality landscape for the city of Lahore.” accepted for publications in 7th SDSC and 17th 3DGeoinfo conferences, UNSW, Australia.
- Kilinc, C, Marina, MK, Usama, M, Ergut, S, Crowcroft, J, Gundogdu, T & Akinci, I, “JADE: Data-Driven Automated Jammer Detection Framework for Operational Mobile Networks.” accepted for publication in IEEE International Conference on Computer Communications (INFOCOM 2022).
Publications in 2021
- Kai Xu, Rajkarn Singh, Hakan Bilen, Marco Fiore, Mahesh K. Marina, Muhammad Usama, Howard Benn, and Cezary Ziemlicki, “SpectraGAN: Spectrum based Generation of City Scale Spatiotemporal Mobile Network Traffic Data” accepted for publication in the ACM CoNext, 2021.
- Inaam Ilahi, Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, Muhammad Umar Janjua, Ala Al-Fuqaha, Dinh Thai Hoang, and Dusit Niyato, “Challenges and Countermeasures for Adversarial Attacks on Deep Reinforcement Learning” accepted for publication in IEEE Transactions on Artificial Intelligence, 2021.
- M. Usama, R. Mitra, I. Ilahi, J. Qadir and M. Marina, “Examining Machine Learning for 5G and Beyond through an Adversarial Lens” in IEEE Internet Computing, 2021
Publications in 2020
- M. Usama, J. Qadir, A. Al-Fuqaha and M. Hamdi, “The Adversarial Machine Learning Conundrum: Can the Insecurity of ML Become the Achilles’ Heel of Cognitive Networks?” in IEEE Network, vol. 34, no. 1, pp. 196-203, January/February 2020
- A. Qayyum, M. Usama, J. Qadir and A. Al-Fuqaha, “Securing Connected & Autonomous Vehicles: Challenges Posed by Adversarial Machine Learning and the Way Forward” in IEEE Communications Surveys & Tutorials (IEEE-COMST), vol. 22, no. 2, pp. 998-1026, Secondquarter 2020
- Siddique Latif, Junaid Qadir, Adnan Qayyum, Muhammad Usama, and Shahzad Younis, “Speech Technology for Healthcare: Opportunities, Challenges, and State of the Art” accepted for publication in IEEE Reviews in Biomedical Engineering, (IEEE-RBME), 2020.
- Adnan Qayyum, Aneeqa Ijaz, Muhammad Usama, Waleed Iqbal, Junaid Qadir, Yehia Elkhatib, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Securing Machine Learning (ML) in the Cloud: A Systematic Review of Cloud ML Security” accepted for publication in the Frontiers in Big Data, 2020.
- Inaam Ilahi, Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Omer Farooq, Muhammad Umar Janjua, and Junaid Qadir, “LoRaDRL: Deep Reinforcement Learning Based Adaptive PHY Layer Transmission Parameter Selection for LoRaWAN” accepted for publication in IEEE LCN, 2020.
- Rana Tallal Javed, Mirza Elaaf Shuja, Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Furqan Muzammil, Junaid Qadir, Waleed Iqbal, Gareth Tyson, Ignacio Castro, and Kiran Garimella, “A First Look Into COVID-19 Messages on WhatsApp in Pakistan” accepted for publication in the IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Network Analysis and Mining, IEEE/ACM ASONAM, 2020.
Publications in 2019
- Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, Aunn Raza, Hunanin Arif, Kok-Lim Alvin Yau, Yehia Elkhatib, Amir Hussain, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Unsupervised Machine Learning for Networking: Techniques, Applications and Research Challenges”, IEEE Access, 2019.
- Siddique Latif, Adnan Qayyum, Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, Andrej Zwitter, and Muhammad Shahzad, “Caveat emptor: the risks of using big data for human development”, IEEE Technology and Society Magazine, 2019.
- Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Asim, Siddique Latif, Junaid Qadir, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Generative Adversarial Networks for Launching and Thwarting Adversarial Attacks on Network Intrusion Detection Systems” accepted in The 15th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IEEE IWCMC, 2019.
- Muhammad Usama, Adnan Qayyum, Junaid Qadir, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Black-box Adversarial Machine Learning Attack on Network Traffic Classification” accepted in The 15th International Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing Conference, IEEE IWCMC, 2019.
- Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Asim, Junaid Qadir, Ala Al-Fuqaha, and Muhammad Ali Imran, “Adversarial Machine Learning Attack on Modulation Classification” accepted in the 4th International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies, IEEE UCET, 2019.
- Salah-ud-din Farooq, Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, and Muhammad Ali Imran, “Adversarial ML Attack on Self Organizing Cellular Networks” accepted in the 4th International Conference on UK-China Emerging Technologies, IEEE UCET, 2019.
- Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Black-box Adversarial ML Attack on Modulation Classification” accepted as a poster paper in ACM-AINTEC, 2019.
Publications in 2018
- Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, and Ala Al-Fuqaha, “Adversarial Attacks on Cognitive Self-Organizing Networks: The Challenge and the Way Forward” accepted as a workshop paper in the 43rd IEEE Conference on Local Computer Networks Conference IEEE LCN, 2018.
- Touseef Yaqoob, Muhammad Usama, Junaid Qadir, and Gareth Tyson. “On Analyzing Self-Driving Networks: A Systems Thinking Approach” accepted in ACM SIGCOMM Workshop on Self-Driving Networks, 2018.
Publications in 2017
- Junaid Qadir, Arjuna Sathiaseelan, Umar Bin Farooq, Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Ali Imran, and Muhammad Shafique, “Approximate Networking for Universal Internet Access”, Future Internet, 2017.
- S. Latif, F. Pervez, M. Usama, J. Qadir, “Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Cognitive Self-Organizing Future Networks”, published in the Special Issue on “Enabling Mobile Computing and Cognitive Networks through Artificial Intelligence” published in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)’s blog on Cognitive Radio Networking and Security, Feb 2017.
Publications in 2013
- Muhammad Usama, and Muhammad S Sheikh. “Vector Indexing Algorithm for Post Processing of OTDR Data” accepted in 18th European Conference on Network and Optical Communications NOC, 2013
Papers under review
- Muhammad Usama, Abdur Rahman, Zubair Khalid, Muhammad Tahir, and Momin Uppal, “Urban Air Quality Measurements: A Survey” under review in Urban Climate.
- Siddique Latif, Hafiz Shehbaz Ali, Muhammad Usama, Rajib Rana, Björn Schuller, Junaid Qadir, “AI-Based Emotion Recognition: Promise, Peril, and Prescriptions for Prosocial Path” Under review in IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing.
- Ilahi, Inaam, Muhammad Usama, Muhammad Omer Farooq, Muhammad Umar Janjua, and Junaid Qadir, “Intelligent Resource Allocation in Dense LoRa Networks using Deep Reinforcement Learning” under review in IEEE Internet of Things Journal.
Blog posts and reports
- “Finding the blue skies: Lahore’s Air Apocalypse”, by M. Usama, available on https://sdsa.lums.edu.pk/, 2022.
- “Artificial Intelligence as an Enabler for Cognitive Self-Organizing Future Networks”, S. Latif, F. Pervez, M. Usama, J. Qadir, published in the Special Issue on “Enabling Mobile Computing and Cognitive Networks through Artificial Intelligence” published in IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc)’s blog on Cognitive Radio Networking and Security, Feb 2017.
- “Design Challenges in Wireless and Data Networks: Security as Case Study”, Muhammad Usama, July 2017.
🗣 Selected Talks
- Finding the Blue Skies: Lahore’s Air Apocalypse in Saving Our Cities: with technology & data-driven policy-making, SDSA, 2022, LUMS, Pakistan
- Urban Computing: Using Data Science for Urban Data, 2022, AtomCamp, Pakistan
- Urban Computing: Using Data Science for Urban Sustainability, 2022, AtomCamp, Pakistan
- Design Thinking: Solving Urban Issues, 2022, National University of Computer and Emerging Sciences (NUCES), CFD, Pakistan
- Examining Machine Learning for 5G and Beyond through an Adversarial Lens” in Next Generation Networking, Multi-Service Networks workshop (Coseners, 2021), UK.
💻 Awards and Honors
- Won a FRSG Grant of PKR 0.9 Million, 2023
- Won an FIF Grant of PKR 01 Million from LUMS, 2022
- Accepted for Oxford Machine Learning Summer School, OxML, 2020.
- Recipient of the travel grant for attending the ACM-IMC, 2019.
- Recipient of the travel grant for for attending the ACM-AINTEC, 2019.
- Recipient of the Information Technology University (ITU), Ph.D. Scholarship 2016 to 2020.
– IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks and Learning Systems
– IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking
– IEEE Transactions on Machine Learning in Communications and Networking
– IEEE Wireless Communications Letters